Data Deletion Policy

Last update on Feb 2024

At ChemistAi (, we take your privacy seriously. If you wish to have your data deleted, including the information collected by the app, your search history, and any generated data, you have the following options:

With Account Deletion

  1. If you have an account with us, you can request data deletion by following these steps:
    1. Send an email to [email protected].
    2. Include "Account Deletion Request" in the subject line.
    3. Provide any necessary information including your login name, email, and phone. We will send a confirmation email after verifying your identity and the data you wish to be deleted.
    4. Our support team will review your request and take appropriate action.

Without Account Deletion

  1. If you prefer not to delete your account but only want to delete your data, you can still request data deletion by contacting us directly:
    1. Send an email to [email protected].
    2. Include "Data Deletion Request" in the subject line.
    3. Provide any necessary information including your login name, email, and phone. We will send a confirmation email after verifying your identity and the data you wish to be deleted.
    4. Our support team will review your request and take appropriate action.

You don't have to worry!

We don't share any user data with any third party, read more

🚀 Stay tuned! The new version is coming soon: Fast Speed, Unlimited Content, not just limited to Chemistry but 32 other subjects with AI integration. High stability, no server downtime or overload issues, user-friendly with high-quality design. Increase from 30 Queries to 100, and some unlimited! ×