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Thermochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the energy changes that accompany chemical reactions, particularly those changes involving heat. Thermochemistry is important for predicting reactant and product quantities throughout the course of a given reaction. It also has practical applications in calculating energy requirements for industrial settings such as chemical plants and petroleum refineries.

Energy and Its Forms

Energy can be classified into two main types: potential energy (stored energy) and kinetic energy (energy of motion).

First Law of Thermodynamics

The first law, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system.


Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy of a thermodynamic system, including the internal energy, which is energy required to create a system, and the amount of energy required to make room for it by displacing its environment and establishing its volume and pressure.


Calorimetry is a common method used in laboratories to measure the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes as well as heat capacity.

Thermochemical Equations

In thermochemical equations, the enthalpy changes of reactions are expressed as ΔH, which is the difference in enthalpy between products and reactants.

Endothermic and Exothermic Experiments

The two basic types of thermochemical experiments are endothermic (absorb heat) and exothermic (release heat) experiments.

Hess's Law

Hess's Law states that the total enthalpy change of a reaction is the same whether it occurs in one step or several steps, which is invaluable in thermochemical calculations.

Applications in Daily Life

Thermochemistry plays a significant role in various aspects, such as cooking, energy production, and even in the human body's metabolic processes.

Industrial Applications

On the industrial level, thermochemistry is integral in designing more efficient chemical processes and energy production methods.


The study of thermochemistry provides a deep understanding of the heat energy associated with chemical reactions. It offers the potential for improvement in various industrial processes and everyday life applications. Understanding thermochemistry is an essential aspect of mastering chemistry and facilitating advancements in related scientific fields.

Introduction to Thermochemistry

Thermochemistry is a branch of physical chemistry that studies the energy changes (heat) that occur during chemical reactions. It is concerned with the quantities of heat absorbed or evolved by a chemical reaction. The study of thermochemistry is used to understand concepts like entropy, enthalpy, and the law of conservation of energy.

Key Concepts in Thermochemistry
  • System and surroundings: In thermochemistry, the part of the universe being considered is referred to as the system and everything else is the surroundings.
  • Heat and temperature: Heat is an energy transfer that takes place because of a temperature difference. The temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter.
  • Exothermic and endothermic reactions: Chemical reactions that give off heat to the surroundings are called exothermic reactions. Conversely, reactions which absorb heat from the surroundings are endothermic reactions.
  • Enthalpy: The total energy of a system is its enthalpy, typically represented as H. The change in enthalpy (∆H) of a system is important in thermochemistry.
  • Entropy: Entropy, represented as S, is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system.
  • First law of thermodynamics: Also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
Importance of Thermochemistry

The principles of thermochemistry are used to predict the energy changes in chemical reactions. They're important for a variety of applications in chemistry and other fields, such as the design and understanding of energy storage systems, engines, and chemical or industrial processes.


In conclusion, thermochemistry is a fundamental topic in chemistry that deals with energy changes during chemical reactions. It helps us understand and quantify the energy that is either absorbed or evolved in these processes, allowing for important applications in various industries.

Experiment: Heat of Reaction of Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

The heat of reaction, or enthalpy change (ΔH), of a chemical reaction is the amount of heat absorbed or released during the reaction. In this experiment, we will measure the heat of reaction of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and hydrochloric acid.

Materials required:
  • Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
  • Hydrochloric acid (HCl), 1M
  • Calorimeter
  • Thermometer
  • Balance
  • Stirring rod
Step-by-step Procedure:
  1. Use the balance to measure out a specific mass of sodium bicarbonate. Record this mass.
  2. Place the sodium bicarbonate into the calorimeter.
  3. Measure a specific volume of 1M hydrochloric acid with a graduated cylinder. Record this volume.
  4. Measure the initial temperature of the hydrochloric acid and record it.
  5. Add the hydrochloric acid to the calorimeter. Stir gently with the stirring rod.
  6. As the reaction progresses, measure the maximum temperature reached and record it as the final temperature.

The amount of heat absorbed or released (q) is calculated using the equation: q = mCΔT, where:

  • m is the total mass of the solution (assumed to be the sum of the masses of sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid)
  • C is the specific heat capacity of the solution (assumed to be the same as that of water, 4.18 J/g°C)
  • ΔT is the temperature change (final temperature - initial temperature)

Then, the heat of reaction ΔH is calculated by dividing q by the number of moles of sodium bicarbonate reacted, which can be found using the known molar mass of sodium bicarbonate.


Thermochemical experiments like this give us crucial information about the energy changes associated with chemical reactions. This understanding can help us in designing and controlling industrial chemical processes, optimizing energy use, and predicting the behavior of new reactions. The laws of thermochemistry are also fundamental to explain natural processes, from the geothermal activity in Earth's interior to the energy production in the Sun.

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